Wednesday, January 28, 2009

watching the tv!!

too cute!!! finn AND jack are watching baby einstein! thought y'all might enjoy this! :) :)

update on finn...and us...

Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you on the little guy. He breezed through the surgery, it only took about 20 minutes and it's a good thing we did it b/c the tissue was actually attached to the bone underneath. I was wanting her to do the procedure in the office and the dr refused so i guess it's a good thing they put him to sleep. i did good, i just had tears in my eyes when i had to hand him over, no crying. it helped that he was sleeping too. yesterday afternoon he was very fussy and only wanted to be held, i guess he just didn't feel good. it sucks they can't tell you whats wrong with them. he did great though and we're both glad that it's over with and he doesn't have that on hime anymore. i was going to take a picture of it, but never did. 
dan started nights on monday night. he's working 3-11 now which pretty much sucks. but next tuesday he's having surgery for his hernia. so, i'll be home next week and then its back to work for me. i am looking forward to working again, i was just hoping to find another job while i've been out on maternity leave and that didn't happen. to say my job is a good work environment would be a joke. i HAVE to have a better attitude when i go back! it's the only way to make it through the day. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So, Finn's back on his little schedule again. The last 2 nights he's only gotten up once so I am SO thankful for that. I guess maybe he just didn't feel good, poor little guy. :( 
Anyways, I've decided to go up to my parent's without Dan. Me and Finn are leaving in the morning and driving up. My parents are actually going to drive down a little ways and meet us and follow us back up. They haven't seen Finn since he was 3 days old, they're dying to see him. He'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow. So, I'm really excited to be going to GA and getting to see my family up there. Finn will get to meet his great grandmother and the rest of my family over the weekend. We'll be coming home on Sunday and then Monday is his surgery. I'll just be glad to have that over with. This will help the time go by faster too. I'm waiting on the scheduler to call back to schedule Dan's surgery, which we're hoping will be next Thursday. Wow! Finn and Dan having surgery in the same week. What the heck? What are they trying to do to me? It'll all work out I know.  I'm tough, I can handle it. :) Well, I don't know about Dan, you know how men are when they're in pain. NOT looking forward to that. It will be an interesting week for sure. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, January 19, 2009

good news...and bad news....

So, I'm a little disappointed tonight. But, 1st the good news. Finn's ultrasound results were good! YAY! So, surgery is scheduled as planned for next Monday to remove his lesion/skin tag. I'm just ready to have that over with. I think it will be harder on me than it will be on him. The bad news is that Dan has to have surgery to repair his hernia. We were at the Dr's office today and that's what they think is best for him. Soo.......Finn's surgery is next week, Dan's probably will be too. He has to talk to his boss at work tomorrow and then call and schedule the exact day for the surgery. We had planned to go up to GA next Fri for a long weekend away. I was SO looking forward to this. I mean, I enjoy being off work and home but we've been wanting to get away somewhere for a LONG time. Dan's been on probation at his work for 6 months now and it's finally up and we can go somewhere and now this. Excuse me if I'm whining. I'm just having a pity party for myself tonight. And the last couple of days Finn has been SO cranky. If he's not sleeping, he's screaming, if he's not screaming, he's eating. Nothing seems to make him happy lately and it's taking its toll on me. It's like he's having these growth spurts where all he wants to do is eat. Anyways, enoughs enough. I'm going to go get my shower and then I'm going to watch The Bachelor. I can't believe I'm actually into this show. I've never watched it before, but I like this guy. He's seems like a really nice person, we'll see.......

Saturday, January 17, 2009

new pics of finn

here's a few new pics of my little guy. i swear he is growing big right before my eyes! i can't get over how everyday he looks so different and SO much bigger. he's out of the newborn size now and the 3 months fit him great. he's also starting to sleep longer at night now (although last night was not one of those nights). he's been only waking up once, which i LOVE. it's amazing how much your life changes just overnight. i'm so blessed to have this little guy around!!

so here's the after.....

So, here's what my sliding glass doors look like now. With a little trial and error, we got everything put up today. I thought it would be much easier than it actually was. It's one big curtain, a double length, and since we back up to woods it's not a big deal for privacy for us. So the curtain will either be pulled shut at night or open during the day. I'm really happy with how it turned out and I LOVE the color of it. I think it dresses the room up some. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New curtains!!

Okay, so I'm going to do and little before and after pics here. Just so everyone knows, I hate vertical blinds! Especially vertical blinds that are like 13 yrs old and just gross. I've tried cleaning them and they are beyond help...... So, I've been trying to figure out what I could do instead. I thought about these panels that you hang, there's like 4-5 of them that hang on a track, but our sliding glass door is not the normal size. It's huge! I would have to special order them and I don't have patience for that. So, I decided on a curtain instead.... I looked online lots of places and found the best deal at pottery barn, believe it or not. So, my curtain came yesterday in the mail, I've got my curtain rod ready and I've got the clips to hang the curtain with. Our friend Shawn is coming over tom or Fri to help me put it up(Dan's not really good at these things, and who knows when he would do it anyways). So, here's a pic of the nasty vertical blinds and hopefully by tom or fri our home will have a whole new look! I can't wait. I am SO sick of these things and I'm surprised I've lived with them this long(we've been in the house 3 1/2 yrs now).

I couldn't resist taking a pic of Finn blowing bubbles. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

my poor little guy

My little guy has to have surgery in a few weeks. He was born with a pretty large skin tag on his lower back. It's about an inch long and isn't connected by a lot of tissue. We had our appt this morning with the pediatric surgeon and next we have to have an ultrasound done of it. Because of where it's located, right over the spine, they need to check to make sure it's not a form of spina bifida. Let's just pray it's not. The Dr said she's done a few of these before and they were all normal, but just to be on the safe side they have to check that out. So, Monday we have the appt for the ultrasound and then the surgery is scheduled for Mon, Jan.26. I was sitting there in the exam room fighting back tears because I work in surgery and I hate the thought of my little guy being put to sleep and cut on. It won't be a big incision at all and the surgery won't take long, but it's still the fact that he's my little baby. Well, not so little anymore, he weighed in at 9lbs 6oz this morning so he's becoming quite the little porker. :) Anyways, please pray with us that the ultrasound will be completly normal and all he needs is the surgery. And to top it off, tomorrow morning we get to go to the pediatrician and get all his shots. He's one month old tomorrow. I don't know where the time goes, it's flying by! Everyday I enjoy getting to spend time with him and watching him grow and change everyday. It's amazing!
Here he is finally starting to fill out his clothes!!