Do you ever have those moments where you feel all is right in the world?? I'm having one of those right now....I just feel content & happy. :)
I'm just sitting here sipping on some coffee & flipping through a magazine. Dan's watching a movie on our (new) tv. Finn's taking a nap. The laundry is going, the dishwasher is done, steaks are on the counter defrosting...all is right in the world & our house for the time being. Ahhh...
I've really been feeling convicted to spend time in the Bible. I have not been doing this for a very long time I am afraid to say. I feel like I've always had a great prayer life, but beyond's been very hard for me. I want to be a good testimony & to walk with the Lord. For the past few weeks I've still been getting up at 5am(Finn no longer gets a bottle then, big boy now!) & so that leaves me an hour before I have to leave for work. During this time, I 1st fix my coffee then I head on into the dining room where my Bible & Bible study awaits me. I can't say it's easy to do this, but it is totally worth it. I can clear my head before work & all the negitivity that is there & I can spend time with the Lord. I've found myself more relaxed & just overall more contented. I keep a list of on-going prayer request's there as well...I'll be honest & say that some mornings I haven't gotten to it. I've overslept or I've been just too tired & have been barely able to make it out the door, but over all I am very proud of myself. It takes discipline, something I am not very good at.
Our church service was really good this morning. We had a pastoral candidate come preach & I really really liked him. Hopefully he'll work out. I'm going to start volunteering in the nursery as well. I turned my paper work in this morning so I should be starting this soon. I've always had a helper's heart, but it can be very intimidating in a very large church to do this when I grew up in a very small country church. But, I'm trying!!
I'm signing off for now. I've got some pics to post later so I'll be back. Have a nice Sunday!!