Sunday, June 27, 2010

my beach boy

we live less than an hour from the beach.
i'm not sure why i don't take advantage of it more. but we ventured out on saturday. one of my best friends rebecca was here so we went on saturday morning. my requirement was that we had to go early. we got there at 9 & stayed till 11. it was wonderful! where we went we got to drive right out on the beach & park & unload right there. very nice & easy.
finn loved it of course, he loves anything outside. i held him & went out in the water & everytime a wave came we would dunk down in it. he laughed and laughed and laughed, he just thought it was so funny..
the ocean water is SO much more refreshing than pool water right now. the pool where we go has a water temp right now of 87. not refreshing at all, its like getting a bath. so this was nice...

have i said that i love my little beach baby boy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

this week....

this week has been totally insane! it started with having to work on sunday, an insane day at work on monday then driving to sc late monday night for work, driving all the way home on tue after only a few hours of sleep & doing 1 case, busy with work all day today...

getting 2 bad news tonight..

1) my dad is having surgery AGAIN tom morning on his eye. his retina detached so they are going in tom to repair it & do a scleral buckle on it. the dr did not guarantee dads vision would be restored. at this pt he has no vision in it at all...
2) one of best friends from home found out today she has stage 2 melanoma. she's 30 & pregnant & should not have to be dealing with this. totally shocking!

i'm beyond tired tonight & i'm upset by these 2 things & i need to be in bed right now b/c i have another full day tomorrow....

please pray. thank you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the 1st of many i'm sure...

black eyes that is....

finn slipped in the tub last night, never actually fell, just hit his eye on this square block he plays with...he cried for a few minutes then was fine.

this was right after it happened...

and this was this morning...
he wouldn't be very still so it was hard to get a good pic of it...

that's my boy!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

this is how...

we beat the heat!!!

what do y'all do to stay cool around your house???

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

this week..

we're sleeping with our feet hanging out.....

we're eating on our borrowed picnic table....

we're doing some serious grilling...

we're watching daddy grilling...

we're playing with cousin Elizabeth...

we're doing lot's of hugging & kissing...

we're looking super cute in mommy's glasses...

Friday, June 4, 2010

need recipes!

well ole danny boy here got lucky & got his father's day gift a little early this year.

here it is.......

so we need help with some recipes...
dan is super excited about this as am i b/c we both love bbq so much. we're excited to try it ourselves.

so if anyone has any recipe ideas for us, please please share!!