good night all...
Sunday, July 24, 2011
oh my goodness...
finn was BEYOND hyper today. i have never seen him like this, ever! he had too many sugary drinks at lunch time, even though they were watered down with water, it still didn't seem to matter. he never napped, and he drove us nuts all afternoon. :) we eventually went over to my MIL's house just to get out for a little while. so, at 7:25 this evening he was out. i put him to bed, rubbed his head & sang to him. it took maybe 5 minutes for him to fall asleep. i don't know why, but when i go to sing kid song or lullabies to him, i draw a blank. i seem to sing the same ones over & over. can anyone help me out here with a list to go off of?? :) i love it when i get to watch him drift off though. nothing is sweeter than a child sleeping. i took the time tonight to pray over him & thank Jesus for this precious child i get to raise here on this earth.. it's amazing, isn't it?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
taken from my phone...
sorry these pics are so small, i took them from my iphone & then emailed them to myself. i guess i didn't download them at the correct size. oh well..
these are prob the only pics i will have of finn with kristy. we had a big storm last night & kristy is terrified of them. the power went out & we all went in finn's room to hide out.
kristy can be a little aggressive so we have to watch her around finn at all times. but finn on the other hand just loves kristy. he is IN love with her & she could care less about him.
so these pics are unusual to say the least. :)

i'm typing this from our new little toshiba notebook that we got today. dan had a best buy gift card burning a hole in his pocket & he's been wanting one of these for awhile now.
finn managed to take off over half the keys on dan's laptop so its unusable now. my laptop is as old as the hills, so this will be perfect for everyday use for us. finn is to get NOWHERE near it as it's to be kept on the counter at ALL times. :) dan has a newer desktop so between this, his computer & our iphones we are set to go with technology now....
we've been doing good here. its been HOT! i don't usually complain about the heat b/c i actually like it, but it is def very warm outside. i've gotten sun burned the last 2 weekends so i need to be careful. today we went to a friend of mines house. they're actually old enough to be my parents, but i love my diane and i miss working with her. they have brunch on saturdays at their house so we got to join them for that & then we played in the pool for awhile. it was so nice! i've really enjoyed my day today. :)
well, finnys asleep so i'm going to watch something on netflix. hopefully i can find a good movie, any one have one they can recommend??
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
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