i have...
met many new friends. good friends. :)
started a new job that i love.
quit a job that i did not love.
not gone on vacation.
had a miscarriage.
started a bible study.
and not all in that order...
it's been a tough close-out to this year, but i'm thinking it can only get better. i have a wonderful family & great friends. a loving husband(whose bday is today!) and a quirky little 3 yr old.
God is good!
here's a few pics from our photo session in nov. we have never had our pictures taken professionally so this was a treat! they turned out nice & i can't wait to order some.
they did not come in time for christmas cards, which is why y'all didn't receive one from me. sorry!! i was hoping..
this one below is my favorite. we don't have a large family on my husband's side but we are all very close. i love how this one turned out.

my sis in law calls this my "next top model shot"! hahaha

just the two of us...

my little family, love them. :)

i pray everyone has a safe & healthy new year's!