so since i've been absolutely terrible at blogging, i missed putting pics up of finn's 3rd bday. i can't believe he's 3 already, crazy.....
we had the best bday party ever here at the house. i've decided to do a big party for him every other year as he grows up. i don't think its necessary to do something big every year.
this year we got a bounce house delivered to the house for all the kids. it's funny b/c it originally was supposed to be a monster truck, then he called & said it had ripped the week of the party. oops! then we decided on a big bday cake one. well, the day of the party he shows up & apparently he had set that one up at the house before ours by accident. needless to say, we ended up with sponge bob bounce house. it honestly didn't matter what it was b/c finn is just all about jumping. :) he also gave us off a little on the price b/c of the mishap.
there were 12 kids. everyone of them was so well behaved, they had a blast. and the house was in our yard all day so we jumped ALL day. i mean ALL day. i thought i was going to be so sore the next day, but i wasn't.
here is finn having fun with one of the neighbor kids..

party time!

before the chaos..

i also went to finn's class the day before his bday to take cupcakes. the kids loved it & finn loved the extra attention of course..
he already had his crown on when i got there.

i'm not sure what our future holds as for having more children, but i thank god for the one i do have. i feel so honored to have been given him & i pray that i can be the best mother to him.