This is what we're doing today.....

We had a HORRIBLE night last night. I'm talking the worst ever since he was born. Finn went to bed at 7:30 and woke up every 30 minutes after that crying. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom since Dan has an upper respiratory infection so I was up with the baby all night. Today I'm running off of maybe 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night. At 2 or 3 this morning the baby was burning up & I gave him Tylenol. This morning when I woke him up at 5:20 as I do every morning he was burning up!! He had a fever of 102. Yuck!! I called into work since Dan is sick and the baby apparently is fighting something too. Dan is home tonight and goes back to work tomorrow. I was off yesterday too since work was slow....Hopefully everyone will quickly get better. I'm tired of all this sickness!!
But oh, isn't he just the cutest??? Even if he is sick... :(