here's a few pics of when we went to dan's work's christmas party in dec. every year they have a big bbq at the shop & all family is invited. kids get to ride in the police car's & firetrucks too. which oddly enough, finn didn't really like.
here he is in the firetruck.

i don't know what gov. employee uses this, but whatever..

here's dan the man :)
and this is when i was all out of contacts & had to wear my glasses for like a month or 2 straight..
all & all it was a alright time. finn doesn't sit still well AT ALL so it is hard to do some things right now with him. as long as he is outside running around he's fine, but lord have mercy, make that boys sit still when he doesn't want to & it is NO FUN!!
i'll post some christmas pics sometime too, i don't think i ever did that either.
oh, and i shower is done! yep, we can now shower in our shower for the 1st time in months. :)
i'll be sure to take some pics of that too.
my parents are here visiting for the weekend. they came yesterday. we're supposed to be going to a train steamer meet on saturday but the weather doesn't look very promising. we shall see. we went last year & that's one of the reasons my parents came this weekend b/c my dad is a HUGE train nut. we're praying the rain stays away!!
anyways, hopefully i won't have to go into work today & i can enjoy a day with the family. finny has school this morning so at least i'll get to take him. i usually never get the opportunity to do that & i love it when i can.
ta ta!