just another work day for me. :) i went & did a case early this morning & was home by 8:30. nice!!! no complaints here.....
so i called my friend audrey to see if we could meet up. audrey had a little girl 6 weeks ago & we had to meet her.
here is bella camille...

what a cutie she is!
so we met audrey's family up in fernandina to paint pottery today.. well i pretty much painted the pottery while finn sat on my lap & played with the paint brushes. :)
we picked a gecko to paint. finns grandpop loved gecko's so as soon as i saw it i knew we would paint that one. we had so much fun painting it & i can't wait to get it in about a week & a half. i'll make sure to put a pic up of it.
here is finn with some "war" paint on his face. he made sure to get some on me also. :)
we went back to audrey's house to eat lunch & to play. what a nice day we had!
i am soo sooooo grateful & blessed to have this new job of mine. i still can't believe it. it's so awesome to pretty much work part time but get full time pay. the job holds a lot of responsibility & sometimes some crazy driving but it is so worth it! i absolutely love it & love the fact that i have seen more of my 2 boys lately. :) LOVE IT!
with dan's schedule it's hard to spend family time but now it is so much better.
anyways, enough about that.
my mom had surgery on her hand this morning. she had 3 trigger fingers fixed so hopefully after a few uncomfortable days she'll have so nice relief in her fingers on that hand. she'll have to go back soon to get the other hard fixed as well.
my dad went to the eye dr yesterday b/c his vision has been bothering him the last couple weeks. it's not good news. it's macular degeneration that's already progressing. he goes to see a specialist on monday b/c there is a type of injection that is supposed to help. i need to research more on this condition but it for sure is not good news for someone who uses his eyes so much. :(
well, i have another very early morning tomorrow so i'm gonna wrap this up so i won't be up too late tonight.
good night!
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