So, this kid has more stuff and I KNOW more outfit's than I do! It's crazy! Everyone has been so nice and has given us so much stuff that we needed. You'll never know how grateful I am. We've been given a swing, a bathtub, a pack n play, a car seat, a breast pump(thank's Kel!), clothes, blankets, and sooo much more. My mind is drawing a blank right now of course. My friends Kristy's little boy is 3 month's old and she gave me a TON of onesies and sleeper's. My friend Michelle gave me a TON of socks and onesies for around 9-12 months. Nothing is cuter than little tiny baby socks. I could just look at them all day... Carla gave me toy's, a pack n play and lot's of clothes for when he's older, which will be a HUGE help then. I can't keep going, there's so much to be thankful for. This child is one blessed little boy! Thank you everyone!!!!

What a cute room!!!!!
love the room and bridgett said the shoes are adorable
yay for pics and lots of free baby stuff!!! :) micah has those same shoes! course, he's grown out of them now! i've actually been wondering if there is ANYTHING you might still need?? we've got so much that i'm sure there's SOMETHING i can pass on to little finn! you told me before that you thought you had everything, but let me know if you can think of anything else!
you look so cute! i can't wait to see this little boy!!!
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