Tonight we were invited to a dinner held by MADD, Mother's Against Drunk Drivers. Once a year they have a banquet where they recognize police officer's in northeast FL for their involvement in DUI cases. Dan's sister was killed by a drunk driver 8 yrs ago and since then his mother has worked with MADD as a victim's advocate. We got to hear her speak tonight and another detective who lost his daughter also 2 yrs ago. It was an honor to be there and to hear his mother speak about his sister Michele. It makes me sad especially at this time with my sister-in-law just having a baby and myself getting ready to have one. She was a great person & would have been the best aunt and it makes me sad she's not here to enjoy all this with us. One day though.....we will meet again.
Here is a pic of the officer's recognized tonight.
Here is a pic of the officer's recognized tonight.
And here's a pic of myself and Dan with his parent's.
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