So this morning I woke up feeling like crap. I'm afraid I've caught a cold. I was wondering why I was sneezing a lot yesterday. I just hope I get over it very quickly b/c there's so much going on this week. I have so MUCH to look forward to.
My parent's are coming Tuesday, Thanksgiving is Thursday, shopping with my dad on Friday, and Finn's 1st b-day party on Saturday. So, you see? I can't afford to not feel well with so much excitement going on around here.
This has been a lazy weekend for me so far. Yesterday I didn't even leave the house till dinner time & that was to just go pick up some food. Finn's been a little cranky the last 2 days. His nose is running uncontrollably & he's got some major teeth coming in. He has 8 already & I guess more are on their way. He's been having so much saliva in his mouth he's having a hard time eating soft food. He's literally gagging on it. Poor dude. I feel so bad for him. Yesterday for lunch I toasted that new round bread & spread a little peanut butter on it for him. It was easier for him to eat & he loved it. Any tips on this from anyone??
I got a new headboard yesterday for our bedroom. I've been looking for literally months for something on craigslist & haven't found a thing. I was at my friend Jackie's house last Friday night for dinner & as I was leaving I saw a headboard propped up in her garage. I asked her if it was for sale & she said "that? you can have it!". So, I got it. :) Dan borrowed a friend's truck yesterday & went & picked it up for me. It's just a headboard, not the headboard/footboard that I was looking for, but it matches & even better it was free! Can't beat that. If I decide to make my bed today, I'll take a pic & post it.
Well, I can't do a post without a few pics so here are 2 of Finn I toke yesterday. He woke up from his nap with some serious "bed head". I thought he was just too cute. I can't wait for his party next weekend!!!!!!!!!!