I was looking through some old pictures and saw this one! I can't believe this was almost a year ago! My little boy is almost 1 and I don't know where the time has gone. I have loved every minute of it & I have loved this little guy with more love than I knew I ever had. I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year. Thanksgiving is my favorite time followed closely by Christmas. We will have a house full this year for Thanksgiving & I can't wait!! God has been so great & my blessing are overflowing...That said, would y'all take a minute & say a quick unspoken prayer request for me? I'll let you know this weekend what it's all about. Thank you!!

1 comment:
Wow...that's Finn?? He has grown up so much. I hope we can meet up with y'all when we come back home to visit. I would like to finally meet that super cute kid of yours. Hope things are going well and that God answers your prayer. I'm struggling right now with the thought of Miriam turning 4 in January. It is so depressing on so many levels although I am glad that we have her. I think time flies by too quickly as parents and before too long, my little girl will be too big to crawl up in my lap, too old to come crying to me when she is sad, too old to come to us for everything, etc. I always think it'd be easier if she had a sibling to grow up with, another reason to get depressed. Nobody told me this part of parenting would be so hard to. :-(
Anyway, hope things are going well with y'all. We need to chat again sometime soon and catch up. Send me a message with an idea of what Finn would like for his birthday please!
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