Saturday, November 8, 2008

getting caught up.....

At my Dr's appt on Thursday I learned that this little boy is going to be not so little. He already weighs 6 lbs 1 oz! I was shocked, I about fell off the table when they told me. I was expecting around 5 lbs or so, so I was a little surprised. He's measuring a week ahead of schedule as far as size. So as of tomorrow I'll be 35 weeks, so if he's measuring ahead that would be a good thing for me! He's in the 77th percentile for his size. He's completely normal and perfect though. My blood pressure has never been better. I swear, the farther along I get the better my blood pressure get's. It's great! My only complaint, STILL, is this stinking heartburn. I hate it! I get it for no good reason and it's terrible. Pepcid is my new best friend. :) And ice cream, it feel's so good on my throat. At least, that's my excuse to eat it every day. I'll be posting some pics from this weekend later b/c my parent's are here visiting one last time before baby so we'll be taking some. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Sally said...

ok, don't get too freaked out about his weight yet. they told me those sonograms are + or - a POUND! Of course, the one I had of lil Major 2 days before he was born was just a few ounces off...but STILL don't worry. =)

SO glad your BP is holding. Keep it up, it MUST be the ice cream that's helping with that! =)

Jana said...

yay that the BP thing is going so well!! i've been thinking about you a ton! can't wait to see pics of this not-so-little guy!! ;) did you finish all your birthing classes? tell your parents "hey!" for me and have fun organizing!! :)