Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Danny!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Beautiful day!
Isn't it pretty? I couldn't resist taking a picture of it.
So, me and Finn went for a short walk today. I made sure and bundled him up good since it's cold and breezy. He was probably like, "What the heck are you doing to me?" He really is a good baby and only fusses when the bottles not in his mouth fast enough and when he get's a diaper change. I don't blame him, I wouldn't like that either. We're just enjoying being home and relaxing. I nap when he naps, which is the advice everyone gave me.
I hope everyone's enjoying the holiday season and remember to slow down and remember the reason for the season. Having a baby this time of year is a good reminder of the baby Jesus being born. Don't get caught up in everything commercial, this has been a good reminder for myself being home and not out and about. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2008
I'm in love with.......
my baby boy's feet! They are the cutest things I've ever seen and I just love to hold him and rub them. Isn't baby soft skin the greatest? I wish our skin stayed that way. Lucky for us, it's very warm down here in FL and I've been able to sit out back on the patio and feed him and rock him in the glider. Weather wise it's been a perfect 1st week to be home. We went for a walk on Wed and he slept through the whole thing, so that was good. Besides him wanting to eat EVERY hour last night things are going well. A friend just told me that she thought they cluster fed around the age of 10 days or so, so if that's true then that makes since. So, I'm going on maybe 2 hrs of sleep today. I've never known sleep deprivation until now. Dan's going to help me tonight though since it's the weekend. YAY! I might get a few more hours tonight.
Here's the little guy getting ready for his 1st walk! He's just too cute, I could eat him up... :)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Finn is here!
Hey everyone! I'm just now getting around to posting this and I still don't even feel like doing it now. Too sleepy.......But, since I'm just sitting here pumping my breasts, I've got time to kill. :) First things 1st, Finn arrived on Dec. 8 at 5:28 pm weighing in at 7 lbs even. He's a small little guy. I was expecting this huge baby to come out guess. The delivery was ok, I was actually fully dilated and pushing when his heart rate kept dropping and he decided to turn sideways and they had to do an emergency c-section. That sucked! All that waiting and then to have to have a c-section, and I was dilated and ready to deliver. I guess the baby had other plans. The good news is that everything turned out alright and he arrived safe and sound. I was supposed to come home on Thur but my blood pressure was acting up and they wanted to keep me another night. While we were in the hospital also, Finn kept losing weight. I'm trying to breast feed and I guess he wasn't getting enough, he dropped down to 6 lb 4 oz and he stopped latching on. We ended up having to supplement formula so he wouldn't lose any more weight. Since then, he won't latch on. He knows what to do and will suck a few times and then he screams holy murder. This is very stressful and going on the 5th day now. So, I'm pumping and we're giving him a combination of breast milk and formula. I really wanted to breast feed, but now....I'm not so sure. I was hoping to nap when he napped and this isn't working out with having to feel him and then go pump everytime. Dan doesn't get anytime of from his job since he's on probation and it's just really tiring and hard. I also am on a ton of medicine for my high blood pressure and I don't like the way it makes me feel. It doesn't work very well and my pressure goes up and down. It would be nice to get back on a single dose of med again and get it under control. I can't do that if I'm breast feeding. Anyways, I have a lot to think about and consider. I don't want to give up and I hate that I feel like I am giving up. I know formula is fine for the baby, it's just hard to admit that maybe my body can't do something for the little one.
Here's a few pics of the baby. I'll be sure to post more pics and write more soon. I know everyone knows how I feel about being just a tad overwhelmed. :) But, it's totally worth every bit of it, isn't it?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
bed rest.......
Sunday, November 23, 2008
family time
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
beautiful day!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
belly pics
Saturday, November 8, 2008
getting caught up.....
more baby shower pictures
So, last Monday the girl's at work had a baby shower for me. We had it right after work at a Ruby Tuesday's nearby. I got a TON of stuff! This baby has more than he needs right now. Not that I'm complaining...... :) Everyone's generosity has been so overwhelming. Thank goodness my parent's are here this weekend so they can help me organize the baby room. This morning we're going yard saleing(is that spelled right?) and hopefully I'll find a changing table. That's the only big thing left that I need. I'll have to post some pics later once the babies room is complete. Anyways, here are a few pics from the shower. Enjoy!
Here's the beautiful burp clothes Charlotte made for me.
Leigh made this, isn't it great?! I love it!
My pak n play!
Diane, me, Susan and Barbettie
Group Shot
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
baby it's cold outside!
It's supposed to get down in the low 30's tonight. Can you believe it? Dan stopped on his way home from work and got some logs for the fireplace. What could be more perfect then having a fire, a good cup of coffee and a movie? Nothing! I've had the best evening! I've had my shower and now I think I'm going to make the night even better and go to bed early. Stay warm tonight!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ultrasound pictures

I had a good report at the dr's office today. Everything looks good and you could actually see the babies hair in the ultrasound. The sonographer said that was really unusual to see that, so I guess he's going to have a head full of hair. I guess the old wives tale of heart burn and babies hair is true for me. :) Here's a few pics for you to see. His foot is sticking straight up in the air in one and in another you can see his face looking at you. It's so crazy what you can see!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
my husband.......
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Race for the Cure

So last Saturday me & some of the girl's from work did the Susan B.Komen Race for the Cure breast cancer walk. This was my 3rd yr doing it so far. The first yr was me & my friend Ellen who was going through chemo at the time and walked with her bald head exposed. What a big step that was for her! The next year we had about 6 girls walking and this yr there were 15 of us that signed up, but actually 9 of us that walked. I really enjoy doing this every yr and am happy that it's a new tradition for the girls at work. I thought I might have issues walking the 3 miles being 32 weeks prego, but I had no problems at all. Have I mentioned that I'm so blessed to have had an easy pregnancy? Here are a few pics of the girls and I. I walked for my friend Ellen who is a survivor and for my grandmother, who died of breast cancer many yrs ago. May we one day find a cure!

Friday, October 17, 2008
Here is a pic of the officer's recognized tonight.
And here's a pic of myself and Dan with his parent's.